International Publicist Award was given to Helga Dorner and Kinga Káplár-Kodácsy

Their article titled ‘The use of audio diaries to support reflective mentoring practice in Hungarian teacher training' was published in 2020 in the International Journal of Mentoring and Coaching in Education scientific journal, which gives ground to publications of leading researches. In the research, which created the background of the article, Helga Dorner and Kinga Káplár- Kodácsy examined how innovative audio diaries used in teacher training affects the mentor’s and mentee’s professional self-image and reflective thinking. During the mentoring process followed in 6 months periods diaries were written along with hours of audio recording. The audio diaries had a positive impact on the individual professional development and showed that mentors would require a more effective integration of mentoring process into teacher training in higher education. The authors in their study made recommendations to increase the efficiency of the mentoring process.
The original article is available for free to read for a year.
Helga Dorner Habil. associate professor, director of the Institute of Research on Adult education and Knowledge management, former leader of CEU Centre for Teaching and Learning. Kinga Káplár- Kodácsy assistant professor at the ELTE PPK Institute of Research on Adult education and Knowledge management, former PHS student of Helga Dorner