The psychology of individual differences in the field of music

The psychology of individual differences in the field of music

The handbook summarizes the latest research findings and the most defining theories up to date to help the work of musicians, educators, and researchers. The 53 chapters in the two volumes have been written by 80 researchers from 13 contries covering a total of 1400 pages in 8 categories such as performance psychology, mental and physical health of musicians, or talent development. In the first volume, Emese Hruska wrote the chapter on Personality and Individual Differences with Canadian music psychologist Arielle Bonneville-Roussy with whom she had previously worked at Roehampton University in London.

The authors suggest to music teachers, parents, and students how to deal with personality, what to do with perfectionism and anxiety. They asses individual differences in performance of musicians from childhood to the professional level, the differences between genders, the choices between musical genres and instruments. The handbook will be published in April 2022, but can be already pre-ordered on the publisher’s website. The English abstract can be read here.


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