Congratulations! You did it!

Congratulations! You did it!

Congratulations to all of international students who graduated in this academic year!

10 of our students on human resource counselling master programme done the final exam in the Institute of Research on Adult Education and Knowledge Management. 

They submitted their thesis on the following exciting topics:

  • Approaches to professional development to support organizational learning: A leadership perspective;
  • Supporting and promoting learning and development in the organization. Training needs assessment in the human resource department in an institution from the public sector in Lao PDR;
  • Motivational factors for sustained engagement in coaching sessions;
  • Enhancing Workplace Learning: The impact of coaching and mentoring on performance improvement;
  • Effects of Team Cross-Trainings;
  • The Impact of Online Training on Employees;
  • Innovative Recruitment Trends in The MENA Region: Recruiters’ Perspective;
  • Understanding employee's perfectionism, burnout, workaholism and work climate among the employees within organisational setting;
  • Analysis of Perfectionism, Emotional Intelligence, and Burnout Among Employees In People-Oriented and Task-Oriented Professions;
  • Impact of burnout and perfectionism on university students’ academic performance.

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