Digital Transformation in Education Research Group

Our research group focuses on adaptation and learning patterns at the system, organizational, and individual levels that describe how the education sector responds to the challenges of digital transformation (with a specific focus on artificial intelligence). We employ an interdisciplinary approach, combining educational sciences with organizational and innovation theories to understand and analyse the pedagogically aware integration of digital educational innovations into individual pedagogical practice and the impact of these on the planning and operation/implementation of educational organizations, developments, systems, and policies. We examine the social, technical, and pedagogical aspects of the emergence, acceptance, spread, diffusion, and usability of digital educational innovations and the characteristics of the agents participating in these processes. We are committed to applying the results of our research in educational practice and conducting practitioner research alongside basic research to support stakeholders in the educational sector.


László Horváth Head Of Research Group, Assistant Professor
Room: 413


Amani Dahmani Research Group Member, PhD Student
Helga Misley Research Group Member, Assistant Professor
Room: 413