Mixed-methods in educational research workshop

On September 22, 2021, two junior researchers, Dr. Artemio Arturo Cortez Ochoa from the University of Cambridge REAL Centre (https://www.educ.cam.ac.uk/centres/real/) and Carolina Valladares from the University of Bristol (https://research-information.bris.ac.uk/en/persons/carolina-valladares) visited our Institute of Research on Adult Education and Knowledge Management. The Institute’s Organizational and Work-integrated Learning Research Group hosted the research methodology workshop entitled “Mixed Methods in Educational Research: Opportunities and Challenges”.
Dr. Cortez Ochoa and Ms. Valladares reflected on their ongoing research projects and their complex methodology, including the inherent theoretical background. Workshop participants had the opportunity to discuss the methodological dilemmas of their own research as well as those defined in advance by the speakers.
International and Hungarian Master's students in Human Resource Counselling and doctoral students of the Doctoral School of Education were invited to the program. The event attracted 30 students from nearly 15 countries. The majority of participants came from the doctoral sub-programmes of Andragogy and EDiTE. We would like to thank Dr. Cortez Ochoa and Ms. Valladares for their excellent presentation and workshop, and the active participation of our students.