Beginner IT Training Opening event recording

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Beginner IT TRAINING opening event - 15. October 2024.

In our opening event we will present the project, the offered courses and the interface where participants can take the courses. 

At the end of the event, there will be an opportunity to discuss any questions that arise.

The opening will be held in English and Ukrainian.

Date and time: 15 of October 18:00-19:00

Place: ZOOM:

19-20. September 2024.

An important event of the IFU project took place on 19-20 September 2024 in Kyiv: "DRIVING ECONOMIC RECOVERY: Scaling Digital Education Experiences in Higher Education Institutions". 
Some of the collaborating institutions were involved online, but the professor of the Jagello University in Krakow, Wojtek Marchwica, who presented the state of the project. He showed that the preparation of the courses is going well in every partner, and highlighted the diversity of the Hungarian courses on offer. Zsuzsa Kovács, who is responsible for the Hungarian participation, discussed with Marta Frankowska from the University of Gdansk about the experience of the training. We also learned about the portfolios of the National Technical University of Ukraine Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute and Tomas Bata University.  

The primary themes of the conference include:

1. Empowering She-Tech: Advancing Female Digital Literacy in the Labor Market

2. Synergy of University Collabora on for Ukraine's Economic Recovery

3. Enhancing Pedagogical Tools for Teaching IT Discipline

4. Exploring the Social Impact of Migra on in the Context of Sustainable Development in the EU and Ukraine

30. May 2024.


The third mission of universities as transformative learning opportunities workshop presented the experiences and challenges arising from the implementation of an international cooperation, the Incubating Freedom for Ukraine project, that aims to provide employable skills for Ukrainian refugee women, with a primary focus on competencies required by the IT sector. During the workshop we encourage debate regarding the potential role of universities in supporting lifelong learning in the light of changing labour market expectations. 

Prof. Anatolii Melnychenko (Vice-rector Igor Sikorsky University of Technology KPI in Kyiv):
 Sharing project experiences
Martin Hromada (Vice-dean of international relations): Sharing project experiences
Prof. Aneta Oniszczuk-Jastrząbek (vice-chancellor of the University of Gdańsk, IFU Poland team): Sharing project experiences
Dr. Balázs Németh (Associate Professor of Adult and Lifelong Learning at the University of Pécs): Changing Roles of Universities in the Development of Creative Communities. Thir or Fourth Mission?
Dr. Zsuzsa Kovács

IFU ZOOM Meeting - 22. March 2024.

  • The project coordinator presented the experience of the Poznan conference.
  • A decision was taken on the syllabus template for the courses
  • Recruitment plans were agreed with the partners.

The Facebook and Instagram pages of the project were created.

The Facebook and Instagram pages of the project were created.

Poznani konferencia - 7-8. February 2024.

The Poznan conference took place from 7-8 February 2024.

IFU ZOOM Meeting - 14. January 2024.

The partners have agreed with each other about the programme for the Poznan conference and who from each partner will attend.

IFU ZOOM Meeting - 15. December 2023.

The partners have agreed with each other about the details of the conference in Poznan, 7-8 February 2024.

They have been finalised who is responsible for each Work Package: 
WP 1 (Project Management) - PEF Poland  
WP 2 (Strategy) - ELTE Hungary 
WP 3 (Courses) - TBU Czech Rep. 
WP 4 (Empowering UA universities) - KPI Ukraine 
WP 5 (Promotion & dissemination) - UG Poland 

Next meeting: 19 January 2024.

IFU ZOOM Meeting - 27. November 2023.

The partners discussed and agreed that each partner will prepare at least 7 courses to be prepared and announced in 2024.
The plan is to produce a strategy document by 2025, analysing the results and drawing conclusions from the experience of the courses. 
Next meeting: 15 December.

Incubating Freedom for Ukraine - building IT competence among Ukrainian war refugees residing in EU countries - START

The Incubating Freedom for Ukraine project aims to support 300 Ukrainian war refugees in three countries - Poland, the Czech Republic and Hungary - to participate in IT training. 

Project implementation period: 1 October 2023. - 30 September 2025.

Projekt coordinator:

Perspektywy Educational Foundation PL (PEF) 


Univerzita Tomase Bati ve Zline CZ (TBU) 

Eotvos Lorand Tudomanyegyetem HU (ELTE) 

Uniwersytet Gdański PL (UG) 

National Technical University of Ukraine Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute UK (KPI) 
